Indeed, the reliability of the hosting service is one of the most important aspects that you should examine before you choose a hosting package, but also the account administration procedure shouldn’t be very difficult. You wouldn’t like to sign in and out of different systems all the time to accomplish some plain tasks, right? With the most famous Control Panels, there are no less than 2 accounts for a website – hosting and billing, so you’ll need to switch between two different interfaces to register a brand new domain name, then to host it and to upload the web files for it. It would be far more convenient if you could administer everything related to your domains in one single location and spare plenty of time and effort, not to mention that it would be far easier to do given tasks.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

With a Linux cloud web hosting package from our company, you will have absolute command over your domain names and over everything connected with them. Built into our all-in-one Hepsia hosting Control Panel, our leading-edge Domain Manager will permit you to do lots of things from one place without having to log in and out of separate interfaces. For example, you’ll be able to register a brand new domain name or to renew an already registered one, to modify the WHOIS information or to conceal it altogether using our Whois Privacy Protection service, to park or to host a domain name with several clicks. The options listed so far are standard for any such tool, but with our Domain Manager’s quick-access buttons, you will be able also to edit the DNS records for any of your domains, to set up a database, an FTP account or an e-mail account, to see web traffic stats and so on. The tool is powerful, albeit easy to work with, so even if you have never had a web hosting account before, you won’t have any problems while managing your domains and the web hosting space for them.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every semi-dedicated server plan that we offer, is an all-in-one tool, which will give you absolute authority over your semi-dedicated account and which features our feature-loaded Domain Manager. The latter permits you to manage everything associated with the domains in the account – both the hosted and the registered ones. The most important functions are all there – you can register or renew a domain name, activate Whois Privacy Protection for it, park and forward it or change its WHOIS info. The Domain Manager, however, is much more than just a list of your domain names and several ordinary options. It’s a cutting-edge tool, within which you will find fast-access buttons, using which you can easily set up a database or an email, access the website files pertaining to a particular domain or see comprehensive traffic stats and access logs. The Domain Manager is intuitive (albeit powerful), so it can be used by people with little-to-no practical experience.