Lots of people who start using their first hosting account, or switch companies, frequently have questions with respect to how certain operations are carried out or stumble upon predicaments when setting up various things, including e-mails, site settings, etc. This is the reason why, lots of web hosting companies have compiled documentation with popular questions and issues in order to help their customers receive info quickly and seamlessly. As a result, the customer service team representatives can spend more time on actual issues that certain clients may be encountering, as the solution for the smaller things will already be available online and clients will be able to easily handle them without touching base with the customer service staff. Having elaborate documentation is really important, especially for new users with no prior experience, as the web hosting service involves a large number of functions and lots of people can become bewildered about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you perform the things that you need and discover how the web hosting service functions as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting

If you get a cloud web hosting plan through us, you will acquire access to our extensive online documentation where you will see information on virtually everything related to our web hosting solutions. The topics encompass anything from how to create an e-mail account on your mobile phone, to how to accomplish various things using an .htaccess configuration file. The articles are written in a simple-to-understand fashion and feature thorough instructions on how to complete a specific task within your Hepsia Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not associated directly with Hepsia, for instance one that concerns web apps on your desktop PC. The full collection of articles will be available in the Control Panel’s Help section, but the ones that are related to a given Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Since we have covered as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to get to know more or less everything about your hosting account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We have compiled an extensive knowledge base for all our current and prospective clients, so if you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you will be able to find any info that you are searching for at any time. We have an enormous number of educative help articles, which will help you understand better what’s going on in your semi-dedicated account – "What’s PHP?" and "What are file permissions?" are just two examples. Our elaborate manuals will help you accomplish anything you wish – unpack an archive, import a MySQL database, redirect a domain name, etc. Additionally, we’ve also got troubleshooting instructions, which will permit you to discover what spurs a given problem and the likely solutions for it. If you are unable to send e-mail messages or your domain opens a 500 Internal Server Error message, for instance, you can consult our knowledge base and fix the problem instantaneously. You can access the articles through any section of the Control Panel, as well as through the all-encompassing Help section.